Wednesday, December 10, 2014

US turning into an energy economy

It will be interesting to see how rapid will be the lawmaker's response to growing energy production in the United States (since there's a federal permit needed to export to many of the WTO countries) . One might endlessly debate over the directions that the global LNG market may or may not take, but the underlying fact is that energy production in the United States is surging in every sector except crude oil.
At the state level, 33 states and the Gulf of Mexico saw an increase in energy production over the last 20 years. Of those that saw an increase, eight of them increased by more than 100 percent -- with South Dakota increasing 518 percent, Iowa increasing 378 percent and North Dakota increasing by 209 percent. -
Whereas there seems to be a general consent that only U.S. exports cannot help out Europe, there are considerable profits to be made. Either way, based on quite recent history there seem to be two crucial sectors that can bring an economy down: finance and energy - üheksa korda mõõda, üks kord lõika* is an appropriate proverb.

* - oddly enough it seems that while in English the appropriate translation is measure twice, cut once, Estonians seem to be even more careful measuring it a whole nine times...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Long time no posty. Just letting all you numerous readers know that this thing is taking somewhat a new direction now. Posts only in English and probably elaborations on what can't fit in the 140 characters on Twitter. Topics: stuff I care about from by subjective point of view. Shouldn't be related to my employers. We'll see how it goes. Cheers to re-start!!


Nii nagu paljud bändid on alt läinud kontseptuaalsete albumitega, siis ei õnnestu ka siin vist mingit kindlat joont hoida. Jätkan segakeeles igat sorti infot jagavate postitustega. Äkki läheb paremini!?!?