Monday, September 24, 2012

Beer = õlu

An Estonian blogger claimed that the beer Viru - produced by Estonian A. Le Coq - is something rare and exclusive in "the most expensive hotel in the famous Mayfair district of London".

Even though she claims it costs about 10 euros a bottle (actually being 7.50)...
Even though she says the hotel EXCLUSIVELY sells Viru in their bar (actually it is not so)...
Even though I go to Ipercoop and buy the same beer for ~1 euro a bottle...

Despite everything it is a quite good beer in a very characteristic bottle. If you get a chance go on and buy it, taste it and maybe you'll love it.

Surely I am proud as well that there are proudly Estonian products out there (marketed by a British company though), but there's no need to show things bigger than they actually are.

PS Also saw a huge inflatable VIRU bottle in a random bar in Verona last year. Having never heard of this Estonian beer before (but clearly recognizing the Tallinn silhouette) I asked the bartender who sadly knew nothing about it and didn't have it in the bar. Might not be a cool story, but it is a true story.



Eesti versioon:

Üks tuntud Eesti blogija kuulutas Õhtulehes, et Londonis Mayfairi linnaosas pakutakse ühes kalleimas hotellis Viru õlut - A. Le Coq'i toodang - ning et see on midagi väga eksklusiivset.

Kuigi ta väidab, et pudel Virut maksab ligi 10 eurot pudel (aga tegelikult on 7.50)...
Kuigi ta kirjutab, et hotel pakub EKSKLUSIIVSELT ainult seda õlut oma baaris (tegelikult pole see nii)...
Kuigi ma lähen kohalikku supermarketisse Ipercoop ja ostan pudeli sama õlut umbes 1 euro eest...

Kõigest hoolimata on tegu hea õllega väga vahvas pudelis. Kes mäletab Premium Extrat, siis peaks täpselt teadma, millest jutt on. Kui teil võimalus on, siis ostke ja mekkige, ehk hakkab meeldima.

Muidugi olen ma uheke selle üle, et Euroopas müüaks uhkusega Eesti tooteid (küll Briti ettevõtte tellimusel pruulitud), kuid pole ju mõtet näidata asju suurematena kui nad tegelikult on.

PS Eelmisel aastal nägin Veronas ühes suvalises baaris täispuhutavat VIRU pudelit riiulil. Ma ei olnud taolisest õllest kunagi kuulnud, kuid tundsin ära Tallinna vanalinna silueti. Küsisin baarimehe käest selle õlle kohta, kuid ta ei teadnud kahjuks midagi ning letis polnud seda marki müüa. Võib-olla mitte kõige huvitavam lugu, kuid vähemalt tõsijutt.



  1. Never saw Viru beer :) is it new?! Bottle looks cool! In Denmark they sell only regular A. Le Coq pilsner and Saku Rock :D And yes - i like Estonian beer!

  2. Surely they have it somewhere in Denmark... Btw, some Estonian organic food makers are going to set up an Estonian eco store somewhere in Copenhagen. Actually, I should look for some more info and see how they're doing..
